Sunday, December 4, 2011

How It All Started

It all started with my pure curiosity about this Elf on a Shelf. My little boy is four and for the most part is generally well behaved. We do the 1-2-3 thing in my house and I rarely have to get to 3. But who could pass up another discipline tool that was also fun for Mommy? So I bought the little bugger and stuck him on the Christmas tree.... and so it began!

If you're not familiar with the whole Elf on a Shelf experience, Google it. Seriously. But in case you are lazy and don't go and Google it, the basics are that this magical elf watches the kid(s) and reports back to Santa every night on if he/she was good or bad. Yes, this elf is a tattle tale. In the morning the elf reappears in a new spot and most kids will jump out of bed to find the elf. The most important rule, kids can not touch the elf or he will lose his magic. Simple idea, and it WORKS! 

Some of my friends call me "crafty". I'm not crafty. I'm a little OCD with ideas and a perfectionist in pulling them off. Big difference! I pull out the elf with his creepy little smile and give him a good once over. I pull out the book that comes with him and read the story. Super cute book! I learn my child will have to name him, God help the poor elf, and then I just stick him on the Christmas tree. I stand back, shrug my shoulders and walk away. Alex comes trotting in from pre-school that day and the VERY first thing he sees is the elf in the tree. "MOOOMMMMMY! There's a ELF IN THE TREE"! Me being totally unprepared... "Uhhh...what? Huh? A... ohhh look, an elf". Alex looks at me, I look at him, he's smiling all teethy and dimply, like I'm suppose to say something... "Ohhh Alex, a book came for you in the mail today. It said you were suppose to read it". And this conversation follows:
Alex: I'll read it later. I want to watch Spiderman.
Me: No, I think you're suppose to read it now.
Alex: I said I will later.
Me: How about now?
Alex: Will you turn on Spiderman?
Me: Well the note on the book said you needed to read it as soon as you got home.
Alex: What note?
Me: The note on the book.
Alex: I don't see a note.
Me: Well I threw it away after I read it.
Alex: Who was the note from?
Me: Santa! (light bulb moment)
Alex: Oh. Ok, lets read it.
*We read the book together*
Me: That's pretty cool, huh? So the first thing you have to do is name your Elf!
Alex: How about pootytootyfubiedoo
Me: I think that's a little long
Alex: How about Spideygarfieldpooty
Me: How about a normal name?
Alex: Poopy Pants?
Me: That's not normal. You don't want your elf to get made fun of when he goes back to see Santa do you?
Alex: No. How about.... Wyatt?
Me: Dood, you can't name your elf after your friend.
Alex: How about Mrs. Jones?
Me: That's your teacher.
Alex: Ha ha ha ha! How about Jingle Bells?
Me: Jingle Bells? Yeah thats a good name.
Alex: No wait, Mr. Jingle Bells!
Me: Ok.. what if we shorten it to Mr. Jingles?
Alex: Yeah! Mr. Jingles. *Alex sings a incomprehensible song about Mr. Jingles and does a "dance"*
Alex: Can I go watch Spiderman now?
Me: Please do.
Thanks to Google and  Pinterest, I am now armed with an arsenal of ideas for Mr. Jingles and his adventures! Some have already been tedious and made me open a bottle of wine. But they are SO worth is to see the smile on my little boys face! I initially was just sharing these photos on Facebook with my friends, when one suggested I do a public blog. I was hesitant at first because it was just something else I would have to keep up with. But then I felt bad for the parents out there who have zero creativity, and maybe just maybe this would inspire some parents to go the extra mile to make Christmas even more special.

Most of these ideas are not original. I saw pictures of other creative parents ideas and then made it my own. Also almost all of the pictures are taken with my cell phone, so sorry for the crappy quality. I guess I could actually break out my nice camera since I decided to do this blog. You will notice that there will be several nights where I do not post pictures. I am a divorced mom, and share custody with the ex, therefore Alex isn't here every single night. I have, however, thought about doing adult Mr. Jingles pictures on the nights that Alex isn't here, purely for mine and other sick and twisted friends amusement. So if you see Mr. Jingles XXX pop up anywhere...yeah.. here's your warning: Adults with a sense of humor ONLY!

Finally one last thing... I am aware there are numerous people who do not agree with the whole Elf on a Shelf thing. That is fine, to each their own! But please don't bash this blog. I don't care if you think he's a snitch or a jailhouse informant. If you don't like the premise behind the Elf on a Shelf, then get off this blog. 

Enjoy Mr. Jingles adventures!

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