Monday, November 26, 2012

Magic Elf Seeds

I know for some people their Elf on a Shelf returns on Dec. 1. But at our house, Mr. Jingles returns when our tree goes up. Because of my crazy work schedule it will always differ. Not to mention I am a Christmas freak and its all I can do to wait until Thanksgiving is over to start letting Christmas vomit all over my house!

I wanted to do something extra special for Mr. Jingles return trip this year. I only have Alex for 50% of December so I try to make all of my Mr. Jingles adventures super special. (It's also the reason why I am able to do so many over the top ones. If I had to do it every single night, that'd be hard!)

Today Alex came home from school and found Mr. Jingles had not only returned for the season, but plugged in our Christmas tree, had a letter from Santa, AND some special goodies! Oh if you could have seen and heard the joy and amazement that came from my little boy! 

My friend Amanda sent me this idea a couple weeks ago and it was PERFECT for Mr. Jingles return! And such a super easy idea too! The idea originally came from here and I found another version here. The premise is super easy. Find anything that can be some sort of magic growing bean or seed. Plant it in something, ie sugar, flour, coco, etc. Sprinkle it with some magic, ie fake snow, glitter, sprinkles, etc. Wait a certain number of days until something magically grows! (Mine grew over night) I've seen candy canes, lollipops, cake pops, and cookies on a stick growing in some of these magic gardens! The sky is the limit! 

As you can see I used sugar, some funky red beads, and fake snow. And we grew candy canes! I also chose to hand write a note from Santa. Alex is still too young to recognize my own. However if you have kids that are a little more suspicious you can print something out on the computer. Here is a free download for some official Santa Claus stationary.

Super cheap and super easy to do! I expect to see all you mom's out there doing this one!! 

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